
Sun-Based Economy Association was selected honorably as a member of GEIDCO(Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization)


November 10, 2016, Sun-Based Association whose president is Yamazaki Yasuyo who is also president of Kuni Umi Asset Management was selected honorably as a member of GEIDCO. GEIDCO is the solar economy society and worldwide organization presided over by the national electric home appliances organization, large companies in the field of power transmission and prominent and the research institutions. Russian and Korean government agencies also have already participated in this GEIDCO, which will be umbrella organization of international development of the electricity transmission network and promotion of renewable energy. The idea of GEIDCO and our philosophy "Sun-Based Economy" are in common, and it was recommended by Mr. Liu Zhenya, president of GEIDCO, the former president of State Grid Corporation of China. It is very meaningful for the development of our infrastructure and cross-border business, so we will collaborate with many of you in the future and will contribute to promote renewal energy and electricity network in the global.